
Interface Function
ⓐ Start Game Check and enter play mode.
ⓑ Party Formation Can form a party.
ⓒ Combat Training Tutorial: A place to learn the basics of combat and the rules of Battle Royale mode.
Training Grounds: Try out various different characters.
Game Guide: Look through Game Guide.
ⓓ Shop & Collection Equip or unequip character skins and emotes.
ⓔ Specialty Store Purchase special products that are not available on Shop & Collection.
ⓕ Rank Check the recent match result and Rank info.
ⓖ Mastery Use mastery points to fill the mastery node you want.
ⓗ Profile Check game statistics and results.
ⓘ Account Info Check account nickname and profile icon.
ⓙ Account Level Check the Account Level.
ⓚ Rank Info Check the recent match result and Rank info.
ⓛ Soul Point Check Soul Points you own.
ⓜ Daily Quest Check Daily Quest.
ⓝ Mailbox Check the Mailbox.
ⓞ Party Formation Can form a party.
ⓟ Community Check current Party Members and applicants.
ⓠ Setting Check and change various Game Settings.
ⓡ Quit Game Exit from the game.