
Ara’s memories go as far back as the Realm of Hierarchy. The saint who took care of her when she lost her memories was like a candle in the dark.
She fell in love with him and knew happiness as their love grew.
But one day, Seer Bohyun sensed the Demon Tombs were in trouble, so he traveled to the Realm of the Living, promising Ara that he would soon return. Before he left her, he gave her a mandolin.
When Ara played the instrument, waiting for her lover’s return, she realized that its sound transfigures into butterflies.
Knowing the power of her lover’s mandolin, she traveled to the Realm of the Living to find her lover without fear. There, she met a girl named Dara and they began their journey.

Ara’s memories go as far back as the Realm of Hierarchy. The saint who took care of her when she lost her memories was like a candle in the dark. She fell in love with him and knew happiness as their love grew. But one day, Seer Bohyun sensed the Demon Tombs were in trouble, so he traveled to the Realm of the Living, promising Ara that he would soon return. Before he left her, he gave her a mandolin. When Ara played the instrument, waiting for her lover’s return, she realized that its sound transfigures into butterflies. Knowing the power of her lover’s mandolin, she traveled to the Realm of the Living to find her lover without fear. There, she met a girl named Dara and they began their journey.



Combat Style

A long-range character specialized in kiting enemies with long-range basic attacks, skills, and an escape move.

[Basic Combo]

#3 (Lucid Dream) Continuous Input - #1 (Dissonance) - Normal Attack - #2 (Illusion Overture)

  • Ara has a variety of long-range skills. When fighting, keep your distance as far as you can!

  • #3 (Lucid Dream) can be used offensively, but can also be used to enhance other skills with a long button press.

  • Use the passive skill (Lycoris) when enemies approach. This skill can keep the enemies far away from the character.

  • [Skill Attack Power] based Weapons are amazing for Ara.